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Part 11: A Superior Covenant


  1. It has a Superior High Priest: Heb. 8:1–2
    1. His moral adequacy.  v 1
    2. His finished work.  v 1
    3. His enthronement. v. 1
    4. His supreme exaltation. vv. 1–2
  2. It Is held in a Better Place: Heb. 8:3–5
    1. The earthly priest came from Levi, Jesus came from a different order for a different sanctuary. v 3
    2. The earthly sanctuary is a mere copy and shadow of the real sanctuary where Jesus serves. V 5
  3. It Is Founded on Better Promises: Heb. 8:6–13
    1. The promise of God’s grace. vv. 7–9
    2. The promise of internal change. v. 10
    3. The promise of forgiveness for all. vv. 11–12
    4. The promise of eternal blessing.  v. 13


NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday, join us for Hebrews, Pt. 12 as we look deeper into the Superior Sanctuary that Jesus ministers on our behalf. See you next Sunday!
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
KIDS CONNECT: Praise God for babies!! We are currently in need of 6 volunteers to serve in our nursery once a month. If that's something you are interested in, please reach out to Shelby at 407-338-6105.
SPIRITUAL MATURITY WORKSHOP: TODAY we would love for you to stay and attend our Workshop that will help you to have a practical plan to be growing from God’s Word. IT’S NOT TOO LATE. After the baptism, we will be meeting over there on the right side of the room and you will definitely be missing out on an opportunity for the most important part of your life to plan in—growing on your own from God’s Word. The Bible says this is the key to success and life.

YOUTH CONNECT: No Youth Connect tonight. Enjoy your Spring Break.
SECURITY NEEDED: We could use a couple more men for our security team. If you would be willing to serve, see Ben Summers (407-791-9965)
SUNDAY PRAYER: Every Sunday morning in the room just off the lobby as you enter, we have a 15–20-minute prayer time starting at 9:15 where we pray for our congregation, for our youth, our children, and our community and we would like to invite you to come and be part of that. Plus, then you will actually be early to church!
THANKS FOR GIVING: We have an offering box that you may contribute in. You may also donate through our App or online through our website: www.connectionchurch.net. Thank you for giving to The Connection ministry.

Weekly Budget: $19,434
  • Congregation: $10,561
  • Counseling Centers: $11,957
Total Church Income: $22,518