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Building People Like Jesus


The Connection Church is a place where you can truly understand what it means to belong to Christ and to belong to the church family in meaningful relationships.


We help  people  grow deeper spiritually in their relationship with God, relationally with their spouse, kids, and other key relationship, mentally by learning to think properly, and physically by becoming free from addictions so that we have a healthy temple to serve God with.



We believe God has created us to serve and we are happiest when we do. We provide many opportunities through  ministering in tangible ways to our community and beyond.
We believe God wants us to live generously in every way, sharing the Gospel with the world, sharing our people, and sharing our resources to further His Kingdom.


We embrace a warm and casual atmosphere that welcomes everyone. Our congregation spans all ages, from kids playing tag after the service to youth hanging out and volunteering, to adults of every generation fellowshipping and sharing laughter. Whether you come in jeans and a t-shirt or dressed up, you’ll fit right in. Join our Connection Family this Sunday morning, and we’ll greet you with a friendly smile and a cup of coffee.

Current Series

This sermon provides an overview of the three main perspectives on the millennium: Premillennialism (Jesus returns before a literal 1,000-year reign), Postmillennialism (Jesus returns after a symbolic period of peace led by Christian influence), and Amillennialism (the millennium is symbolic, with Christ currently reigning). It presents a detailed rationale for Premillennialism, emphasizing that Christ's return will fulfill biblical promises, defeat Satan, be based on a literal interpretation of scripture, align with early church teachings, and involve resurrections noted in Revelation 20. The practical application urges believers to stay vigilant by watching for signs such as Israel's establishment (1948), potential conflicts involving key nations, and the rebuilding of the third temple. Preparation involves committing to faith, seeking God’s wisdom, engaging with scripture and the church, spreading the Gospel, and being materially prepared for future events.


10:00 AM

Osceola Council on Aging
700 Generation Point
Kissimmee, FL 34744

Drive past McDonalds and turn left into the parking lot for the Osceola Council on Aging. The front entrance is under the awning to the right. You should see someone greeting people.

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