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Part 9: A Priest Like Melchizedek


The Uniqueness of Melchizedek:
  1. He was both King and Priest. Heb. 7:1a (Psalm 110)
  2. He blessed Abraham with sustaining gifts: bread and wine. Heb. 7:1b, (Genesis 14:18)
  3. He received tithes from Abraham. Heb. 7:2:a, 4-10
  4. His Name is significant: Heb. 7:2b
  5. His name means “King of Righteousness.”
  6. And also “King of Peace.”
  7. His genealogy was different. He had no “beginning” or “end.”    Heb. 7:3

  1. A new Battle: Choice between two kings, two opposite ways of life—Compromise or Christ? Genesis 13-14:20a
    1. Sodom = burning. Bera = gift. Dominion of the world system and its appeal to the flesh. Watch that you do not compromise as the world bargains for your allegiance, offering you many “gifts” and short-cuts.
    2. Salem = peace. Melchizedek = King of Righteousness. A new blessing, the blessing of the Most High.
  2. A new blessing: He received the blessing from Melchizedek and tithed to Him. Gen. 14:20-24
    1. Melchizedek strengthens him for victory by giving bread and wine, amazingly like what Jesus gave us in His body and blood, as we are commanded to celebrate communion with bread and wine.
    2. Abraham gave him a 10th, symbolizing giving to Christ a first of what He gives us. Levi—the line of priests, and Aaron were still “inside” Abraham tithing to Melchizedek.
      1. Abraham brought his gifts to Jesus Christ, in the person of Melchizedek.
      2. He was prompt in his giving.
      3. He was proportionate in his giving.


NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday, Join us for Hebrews, Pt. 10 as we look at further parallels in the work of Jesus as our High Priest. See you next Sunday!
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
KIDS CONNECT: Praise God for babies!! We are currently in need of 6 volunteers to serve in our nursery once a month. If that's something you are interested in, please reach out to Shelby at 407-338-6105.
SUNDAY PRAYER: Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 to pray for our church and community.
LA DREAM MISSION MEETING: Today, right after our service in the conference room, join us if you are planning on going to Los Angeles Dream Center this summer.
SPIRITUAL MATURITY WORKSHOP: March 23rd, 12pm plan on attending our practical seminar on how you can have a doable and measurable plan on reading and studying God’s Word. If you want to grow, you must “by constant use train yourself” in God’s Word. Heb. 5:14. Please scan the QR code and write your name, number, and “Workshop”

YOUTH CONNECT: Tonight, Youth Connect will meet at Jake and Jearene Webb’s home over in St Cloud. However, if you are from Kissimmee, you can have your kids here at the church at 3:30 and the Church Bus will be taking the kids over to the Webb’s and have them back here at 6:30 for you to pick them up. 4445 Story Rd, St Cloud
BAPTISM CELEBRATION: If you are following Jesus and have not been baptized, this is your opportunity to obey Jesus in baptism on Sunday, March 23rd. Please mark your Connection card or talk with us.
SECURITY NEEDED: We could use a couple more men for our security team. If you would be willing to serve, see Ben Summers (407-791-9965)
THANKS FOR GIVING: We have an offering box that you may contribute in. You may also donate online through our website: www.connectionchurch.net. Thank you for giving to The Connection ministry.

Weekly Budget:  $19,434
Congregation: $9,344
Counseling Centers: $9,769
Last Week's Income: $19,133