Part 7: The Great High Priest
- He has a superior Title: GREAT High Priest. Hebrews 4:14
- In His person: He is both God and man.
- In His position: He has ascended into heaven, on a throne of grace.
- He has a greater ordination. Heb. 5:1; 4-6
- He has greater compassion and sympathy. Heb. 4:15, 5:2-3, 7-8
- He has a superior sacrifice. Heb. 5:3; 9-14
APPLICATION: Since we have such a great High Priest let us:
- Hold fast to your profession. Heb. 4:14
- Approach God’s throne of grace with confidence: Heb. 4:16
- To receive mercy.
- To find grace and help in your time of need.
NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday, Join us for Hebrews, Pt. 8 as we look at the warnings and challenge to stay on track. See you next week!
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
KIDS CONNECT: Praise God for babies!! We are currently in need of 6 volunteers to serve in our nursery once a month. If that's something you are interested in, please reach out to Shelby at 407-338-6105.
STEP 1: BLUEPRINT FOR BELONGING. TODAY, February 23rd at 12:00 is our introduction to The Connection. We will get to know one another and learn about the blueprint for our church. Lunch is included. You are welcome to stay, just let us know!
SECURITY NEEDED: We could use a couple more men for our security team. If you would be willing to serve, see Ben Summers (407-791-9965)
COMMUNION SUNDAY NEXT WEEK: Join us next Sunday for our communion meal. Please bring a side dish to share. This is a great time for fellowship and encouraging one another in the Lord.
SUNDAY PRAYER: Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 to pray for our church and community.
BAPTISM CELEBRATION: If you are following Jesus and have not been baptized, this is your opportunity to obey Jesus in baptism on Sunday, March 23rd. Please mark your Connection card or talk with us.
Weekly Budget*: $19,434
Last Week's Income: $15,617
*The budget includes our three counseling centers, which are part of our church.