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Kingdom Connection


The Dual Commission of the Kingdom:
  1. THE ORIGNIAL COMMISSION to rule over the earth and make culture: Genesis 1:28
    1. Be Fruitful and increase in number: Have babies
    2. Fill the Earth: a call to civilization and culture creation.
    3. Subdue the Earth: Make the earth useful for human beings benefit and enjoyment
    4. Rule: Actively partner with God in taking the world somewhere  
  2. THE GREAT COMMISSION to go and make disciples: Mt 28:19-20
    1. Make disciples
    2. Baptize them
    3. Teach them to obey everything Jesus taught
Interconnected focuses supporting this dual calling:
  1. FAMILY: the foundation of society. Gen. 1:26-28, 2:24
    1. Marriage and parenting classes and counseling
    2. Kids & Youth Connect
  2. BUSINESS & WORK: the original commission. Gen. 1:28
    1. Often a bent towards renewal
    2. The best platform to fulfill the Great Commission
  3. COUNSELING: an environment for hope and healing. Prov 13:10
    1. Built on the Foundation of the Word Eph. 2:20, 2 Tim 3:16
    2. A safe space to process and move towards Gospel hope
  4. SCHOOL: biblically grounded education. Prov. 22:6, Ecc 3
    1. Classical model with Seasonal emphasis
    2. Support families in shaping lives for Christ
  5. CHURCH: local congregation to make disciples. Acts 1:8, 2:42-47
    1. Strengthening members through Word and ordinances
    2. Encouraging multiplication through Global connection


NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday, Join us for a brand-new series in the book of Hebrews. Perhaps no other book in the New Testament highlights the supremacy of Christ and His Work, the transformative key to life. Don’t miss out—see you next Sunday.
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
STEP 1: BLUEPRINT FOR BELONGING. NEXT Sunday, January 12th at 12:30 is our introduction to The Connection. We will get to know one another and learn about the blueprint for our church. Lunch is included. Please mark your connection card.
MISSION TRIP INFO MEETING: Next Sunday, Jan 12th after service. This is a great opportunity to see how you can make a difference and get your questions answered. Contact Deric with questions: 407-301-5331

YOUTH TRIP: Mobile, AL June 16-21st. Sign up by February 15, 2025. $529.00
DREAMCENTER TRIP: Los Angeles, CA July 14th-20th. Must be 13 y/o. Sign up by January 15th, 2025. $1,250.00
CUBA TRIP: November 1st-7th. All ages. Sign up by May 15th, 2025. $1,649.00
MEMBERS MEETING: Sunday, January 26th at 12:00. This will be an important meeting to get input from our members on some important directional decisions. Please register on the App or website under resources/calendar. Looking forward to connecting!

YOUTH CONNECT: No Youth Connect tonight.
THANKS FOR GIVING: We have an offering box that you may contribute in. You may also donate online through our website: www.connectionchurch.net. Thank you for giving to The Connection ministry.

Weekly Budget*:  $19,434
Last Week's Income: $95,581

*The budget includes both counseling centers, which are part of our church.