The Son's Glory
- The Son inherits everything. Hebrews 1:2
- The Son created everything. Heb. 1:2, John 5:21-23, Col. 1:16
- The Son radiates God’s glory, character, and power. Heb. 1:3
- The Son is greater than all the angels. Heb. 1:4, 14
Jesus the Man:
- He had to be fully man to be able to die. Heb. 2:9, 14
- Only by dying could He remove our sins. Heb. 2:17
Jesus our High Priest:
- He is our High Priest. Heb 2:17, 4:14-15
- He intercedes for us. Heb 7:25, 1 John 2:1
- He entered the Holy of Holies in the 3rd Heaven with his own blood, once for all. Heb 8:1-2, 9:11-12, 24-26
What you possess:
- You are perfect forever. Heb. 10:14
- You are immortal, having eternal salvation. Heb. 5:9, 9:27-28
- You have your personal angelic secret service. Heb 1:14
APPLICATION: Because of this . . .
- Watch the Drift. Heb 2:1
- Boldly enter Heaven’s Most Holy Place. Heb. 4:16, 10:19
- Hold tightly to the Hope and God’s promises. Heb. 6:17-19, 10:23
- Think of ways to motivate others to love and good works. Heb 10:24
- Keep meeting together to encourage others. Heb 10:25
NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday, we look into the book of Hebrews, at the majesty of Christ and all the blessings that he gives to us. See you Sunday!
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
YOUTH CONNECT: No Youth Connect tonight.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: LAAAAAST CHANCE . . . Bring your filled shoe boxes NEXT SUNDAY! Information available in the lobby.
YOUTH TRIP: Mobile, AL June 16-21st. Sign up by February 15, 2025. $529.00
DREAMCENTER TRIP: Los Angeles, CA July 14th-20th. Must be 13 y/o. Sign up by January 15th, 2025. $1,250.00
CUBA TRIP: November 1st-7th. All ages. Sign up by May 15th, 2025. $1,649.00
THE CONNECTION MOTORCYCLE RIDE: Calling all motorcycle riders! Join us TODAY November 17th at 3pm right here. We will be riding to Manny’s Chop House for dinner. Hope to see all our bikers!
STEP 1: BLUEPRINT FOR BELONGING. NEXT Sunday, Nov 24th at 12:30 is our introduction to The Connection. We will get to know one another and learn about the blueprint for our church. Lunch is included. Please mark your connection card.
BAPTISM CELEBRATION: Sunday, Dec 8th. If you have put your trust in Christ, then the next step for you is baptism. Let’s celebrate together. Ou can sign up on our App or fill out a Connection Card. We would love to answer any questions for you about baptism.
Weekly Budget*: $15,897
Last Week's Income: $16,037
*The budget includes both counseling centers, which are part of our church.