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Deception & Deliverance


The Devil’s Deception process:
  1. The Devil’s slimy tactics: 
    1. CHALLENGES God’s Word. Gen. 3:1
    2. DENIES God’s Word: You won’t die! Gen. 3:4
    3. SUBSTITUTES his own slippery lies. Gen. 3:5
    4. CAST DOUBT on God’s goodness. Gen. 3:5
  2. The Woman, representing humanity, engaged:
    1. She REDUCED God’s ‘freely eat’ (2:16) to may eat.
    2. She DOWNPLAYED God’s emphasis on the availability of fruit from every tree but one (2:17)
    3. She ADDED not touching to God’s prohibition against eating (2:17)
    4. She SOFTENED the certainty of death (2:17)
    5. The serpent capitalizes on the woman’s uncertainty by baldly denying the penalty and quickly diverting her attention to the supposed “prize”—to be like God, knowing both good and evil. The deceiver falsely implies that this would be an unqualified good for them. Filament Study Bible
  3. The LORD’s Deliverance process:
    1. Study God’s Word. Joshua 1:8
    2. Meditate on it day and night. Psalm 1:2
    3. Know the Word, Jesus. Genesis 3:15, 21, Psalm 2:7-12,  John 1:1, 14
  4. Then:
    1. You will be SURE to obey everything in it. Josh 1:8
    2. You will prosper and be successful in every way. Josh 1:8, Psalm 1:3
    3. You will never wither, regardless of circumstances because you have the life-source. Psalm 1:3
    4. You will have a fruit-filled life. Psalm 1:3
    5. You will have true joy. Psalm 1:1, 2:12


NEXT SUNDAY: Join us back at The Council for a brand-new series, “Practicing the Way.” You won’t want to miss this impacting series on the life of Jesus and how to practically follow and be changed by Him!
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
YOUTH CONNECT: Youth will meet tonight at Deric & Kerri’s home from 4:00 to 6:00pm!  (1764 West Virginia Dr. Kissimmee)
THE LORD’S SUPPER: NEXT Sunday, DO NOT BRING FOOD FOR THE MEAL. Our Youth are making our lunch!!
MISSION FUNDRAISER: NEXT SUNDAY MAY 5TH. The bake sale has been possible in the past because of you: Are you able to provide any baked goods for our bake sale this year? Come next Sunday for a fun way to engage and help our mission teams. Contact Deric to donate: 407-301-5331. Thank you!
KID’S CONNECT NEEDS YOUR HELP: We need 5 helpers for our nursery—we have a lot of babies and it’s wonderful!  Please pick up an application. Contact Shelby: 407-338-6105
WOMEN’S CONNECT: This coming Saturday evening, May 4th at Martha Sander’s home (2947 Cool Breeze Circle, St Cloud) at 7:00pm. Come over for some good community and study of God’s Word.
THANKS FOR GIVING: We have an offering box that you may contribute in. You may also donate online through our website: www.connectionchurch.net. Thank you for giving to The Connection ministry.

Weekly Budget: $15,897
Last Week’s Income: $15,112
Note: The budget includes both counseling centers, which are part of our church.