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Part 8: Put On the New


  1. As believers, we are to avoid the immoral slide of non-believers:
    1. Futile thinking leads to . . . Ephesians 4:17
    2. Darkened understanding and ignorance lead to . . . V. 18
    3. Loss of all sensitivity leads to . . . V. 19a
    4. Given over to every kind of impurity. V. 19b
  2. We are to put off the old and put on the new:
    1. It begins by continually renewing our minds with our new identity. Ephesians 4:20-23
    2. We are to continually put off the old self:
      1. Lying V. 25
      2. Uncontrolled anger V. 26
      3. Stealing V. 28
      4. Unwholesome talk V. 29
      5. Bitterness V. 31
  3. We are to continually put on the new self:
    1. Honesty V. 25
    2. Meaningful work V. 28
    3. Building others up V. 29
    4. Kindness and compassion V. 32
    5. Forgiveness (Just as Christ forgave you) V. 32b
  4. As we constantly put off the old self and put on the new:
    1. We please the Holy Spirit and depend upon His power working in us. V. 30
    2. We don’t give the devil a foothold. V. 26


NEXT SUNDAY: Next Sunday, we will continue in the book of Ephesians, chapter 5. Hope to see you then!
THANKS FOR COMING! We’re glad you are here, and we hope you’ll make yourself right at home. If you are visiting with us today, we would love for you to fill out a Connection Card and place it in the offering box; or you can scan the QR code and fill it out that way! Also, please feel free to pick up a Welcome Bag on the back table. We hope you are inspired and encouraged today!
YOUTH CONNECT: Tonight, right here from 4:00 to 6:00. Come on out for encouragement in God’s Word, and some good connection!
CYCLE RIDE: Join us Sunday, Nov. 19th at 3:00pm at St Cloud Wal-Mart for a fun, fall motorcycle ride into the sunset. Get your bike dusted off and ready to go!
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: We will be putting together Christmas boxes again this year. Please pick up your boxes in the lobby. DUE NEXT SUNDAY.
THANKS FOR GIVING: We have an offering box that you may contribute in. You may also donate online through our website: www.connectionchurch.net. Thank you for giving to The Connection ministry.
BLUEPRINTS FOR BELONGING: This is the first introduction to The Connection and a step in our membership process. Mark your Connection card and plan to join us for our next class. We will have lunch, get to know each other, and learn more about The Connection.
CONNECTION SOFTBALL: Our next softball game is this Wednesday, November 8th at 9pm at field 6 at the St. Cloud Civic center. We need the unity of the church to show others what Christ's love looks like in a competitive sport in Osceola County no matter what the score says. SEE YOU THERE!